A migration system for Australia’s future Discussion Paper, November 2022


On 2 September 2022, the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon. Clare O’Neil MP, announced a comprehensive review of Australia’s migration system to ensure it better meets existing challenges and sets a clear direction for the coming decades.

Based on the review a migration strategy will be developed.

The strategy will ensure the migration system serves Australia’s national interests and complements the skills and capabilities of Australian workers. It will establish the core principles on which Australia’s migration system will rest, and guide future reform. The strategy will focus on enhancing Australia’s productivity. To drive the strategy development, Government has set a Taskforce.

Based on the input from stakeholders the Taskforce will submit a report to Government in early 2023.

Purpose of AIBC submission

AIBC is driving a strategic submission to the Taskforce through a submission. AIBC submission will be based on consultation with our valued members.

We encourage members to provide us their views on the key elements of a future-focused and transformative strategy that will allow Australia to fully realise the potential of migration.

Your input will help us raise issues and offer suggestions to Australian Government in reforming the migration system that will contribute towards sovereign capability, economic prosperity and ensure diversity, inclusion to foster multicultural Australia.

Australia’s migration system includes:

  • Australia’s temporary and permanent visa programs;
  • the policy and legislative framework that underpins those programs;
  • the systems and processes that support the administration of our programs, including how clients interact with the system, whether directly or through third party providers; and
  • the settlement services and the multicultural policies and programs that support integration and foster connections and contribute to strong citizenship outcomes.

Our submission will focus collecting input from you that will complement:

  • improve economic growth, particularly through increased productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • complement domestic education and training efforts, including through better utilisation of migrant skills;
  • support the development of resilient sovereign capabilities;
  • strengthen Australia’s international partnerships and regional interests;
  • ensure the integrity of the Australian labour market through strengthened compliance with labour standards and minimising the potential for migrant exploitation and
  • take social licence into account.

This review will only focus on migration policy, and will not address:

  1. multicultural policies and programs
  2. issues relevant to irregular migration and status resolution
  3. regional processing and Operation Sovereign Borders
  4. administered programs including grants
  5. functions and activities of the Australian Border Force, including but not limited to immigration compliance, removals and detention
  6. Public Interest Criteria required for approval of visas, including character, national security and health checking requirements.

We encourage you to participate in the survey and provide us your valuable input.

The survey will take 20 minutes.

You may also wish to send your detailed response to advisortradeinvest@aibc.org.au by 10 December 2022.

About you

Where are you based?(Required)

About your business

Are you an owner of a business(Required)
Does your business currently Export from Australia?(Required)
Does your business currently Import To Australia?(Required)
How many full-time equivalent (FTE) employees are in your business?(Required)
Approximately how many skilled migrants on temporary or permanent visas do you employ in your business?(Required)
Please describe about: (a) Yourself / your company export to India (b) What percentages of products you sell to India
Please describe about: (a) Yourself / your company import to Australia (b) What percentages of products/services you import to Australia

About Migration

Indian Professionals coming on employer-sponsored work visas,  Indians applying individually for skills-led Immigration, Indian Students
E.g., parents migration help skilled migration workers to focus on work, while parents can support their family Parents migration should be prioritised as well as spouse etc…
This marks the end of the survey. Please review the above and click submit once you are ready.

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