Industry Chapter
Making it happen for Australia
Mr. Vish Viswanathan – Chair, AIBC Make in India Chapter
Mr. Michael Sharpe – Industry Advisor, Make in India Chapter & National Director Industry, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre Limited
Ms. Eshita Shukla – Intern, Make in India Chapter

MAKE IN INDIA was launched by Government of India under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Modi in 2014 during which he said:
“Go and sell in any country of the world but manufacture here. We have skill, talent, discipline and the desire to do something. We want to give the world an opportunity that come make in India”. In 2021 PM Modi has launched “Atmanirbhar (Self Reliant India) for same objectives.
The vision of AIBC Make in India Chapter is to realise the full potential of the Make in India program for the benefit of Australian businesses and to achieve a win win situation in the bilateral trade opportunities in line with bilateral economic strategies.

AIBC MAKE IN INDIA Chapter was launched in October 2019 to offer tangible advantages such as:
1. Active Participation in Make in India initiatives by all National Chapters & contribution by members across identified Make in India categories aligned to Australian businesses such as Energy and Electric Vehicles, Infrastructure, Manufacturing services, Professional Services including Legal Services, Sports, Health etc.
2. B2B, B2G, G2G business & project opportunities in traditional and unexplored areas
3. Alignment to India Economic Strategy by Australian Government and Australia Economic Strategy by Government of India and Atmanirbhar (Self-reliant India)

How Make in India program is supported within AIBC
Following the launch, organised focussed “Make in India” seminars and webinars including.
- FICCI- AIBC Webinar on The New Outlook for the Manufacturing Sector
- FICCI-AIBC Make in India Webinar on Opportunities on Digital & Emerging Technologies
- AIBC Victoria – Make in India Chapter event on Pharmaceuticals (Medsurge)
- AIBC Victoria – Make in India Chapter Event on Smart Manufacturing
- Interactive session with Hon. Simon Birmingham, Federal Minister for Trade
- Developing Strategic alliances with Chambers of Commerce, Business and Trade Associations in Australia and India such as FICCI, INVEST INDIA, Australian Information Industry Association, Australian Industry Group, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre etc.
- Work with Government bodies both in India and in Australia for progressing on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in relation to Make in India
- Increase visibility of AIBC MII activities through publications such as Industry Updates.
AIBC Make in India – Standards Australia Bilateral Standards Initiative

Make in India Chapter plans for 2021
- Deliver the following Roundtables/ Webinars in partnership with FICCI as agreed in 2020
- Roundtable on Pharmaceuticals – planned for 26th February 2021.
- Roundtable on Information Technology, Infrastructure, Energy, Mining
- Collaborative events with other Industry Chapters– Agriculture, Start-ups, Health, IT
- Arrange B2B and G2B outcome focussed meetings involving relevant State Chapters and Industry bodies
- Identify facilitation mechanisms for pilot projects, Goods & Services, commercial frameworks.
- Specific collaborative strategies and projects in Advanced Manufacturing

Food & Beverages
APA Classic Company Picnic
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Australia India Business Council
Make In India Chapter Team