On 11 May 2022, AIBC hosted an event with Partha Bhattacharyya, former CMD of Coal India on the The Future for Coal – an Indian Perspective.
Mr Bhattacharya provided a perspective on coal and energy use from an Indian view point. The key points made in the discussion were as follows:
India has an aspiration of tripling its energy use per head of population from 1000 units/head to the global average of 3000 units/head by 2050. India also have an aspiration to reverse the energy source mix from 70% fossil fuel and 30% renewable to 70% renewable and 30% fossil fuel. If these two outcomes are achieved India’s requirements for coal will double what it is today. Today 85% of coal use in India is supplied by Coal India. In the future private miners and imports will be part of the increasing supply.
India has many incentives for the production of renewable and to consume renewable energy. However, the challenges with renewable energy production in India is the need for land which is not readily available.
To tackle climate change one has to look at the issues as global citizens. 65 million households in India do not have any electricity. They have to be provided with energy as well reducing the global GHG emissions.
Ashurst sponsored the program.